Schools of Thought, the rate of change of our culture and technology can be overwhelming. Thought leaders below have greatly influcenced this ministry, and lead the way in staying relevant while holding to basic truths.

Understanding How to Serve

  • The Adapting Church

    What worked 50 years ago is probably not as effective today. These courageous leaders are passionately looking for God’s direction and new ideas for how to reach the hurting.

  • Effective Compassion.

    TEACH TO FISH. Most people understand that it is more sustainable and enduring to give a person a skill to care for themselves than to provide a days worth of food, clothing, or otherwise. These folks have lead the way relative to conveying values and skills that last a lifetime.

  • Community Building

    Ease of transportation, technology in general, and fierce individualism has eroded the “extended family” once offered by the church. Now athletic groups, public schools, and online forums have become the place to share values and support. How can we reinvent healthy communities? These authors provide some options.

  • Culture

    So many influences driving our overall societal behavior and thinking - good and evil. How did we get where we’re at?
